The First Easter Egg...Ever!
Easter is here, and we are back with some unnecessary but cool knowledge for you!A few years ago, we treated you to some nice Easter eggs, collecting some of popular culture's most interesting secret messages.However, now we would like to share with you the grandaddy of them all: an Easter egg so old that it predates Easter itself. Yes, ladies and gents, history's first Easter egg goes waaaay back!As we read in the Journal of Geek Studies (yes, that is a thing!), artists in Ancient Egypt would never receive credit for their work. That did not sit well with Senenmut, an architect tasked with building a temple for the pharaoh Hatshepsut. Senenmut, then, decided to hide an inscription behind a door, which featured his image and mentioned his name. Take that, Hatshepsut!Yeah, in general, please never forget to credit artists. They always work hard.Source: History's First Easter Egg, by Rodrigo B. Salvador